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Chemistry Specific APA Citation Examples

CCOHS (the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety)

Author(s). (Year). Title of report. Retrieved access date, from 

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. (2005). Hydrogen sulfide. Retrieved September 30, 2007, from

 [Note: For long URLs, copy and paste directly from your browser, do not add line breaks manually, it is acceptable for your word processing program to automatically create breaks or move the hyperlink to its own line. for more details on URLs check the APA Guidelines]

Chemistry: The Practical Science (a print textbook)

Author(s). (Year). Book title. Publisher.

Kelter, P., Mosher, M., & Scott, A. (2009). Chemistry: The practical science. Houghton Mifflin.


CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (print version)

Title of entry. (Year). In Name of Editor, CRC handbook of chemistry and physics (edition, section pages). Publisher.

Acetone. (2006). In D.R. Lide (Ed.), CRC handbook of chemistry and physics (87th ed., pp. 3-1- 3-676). CRC Taylor and Francis.


CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (online version)

Title of entry. (Year). In Name of Editor, CRC handbook of chemistry and physics.  Retrieved access date, from 

Acetone. (2014). In W. M. Haynes (Ed.), CRC handbook of chemistry and physics. Retrieved September 9, 2020,  from


Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology (an e-encyclopedia that provides DOIs for each article)

Author(s). (Year). Title of section. In Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology.

McCormack, W. B., & Lawes, B. C. (2000). Sulfuric and sulfurous esters. In Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology.


Merck Index (print book)

Name of Editor (Ed.) (Year). Title of section. In The Merck index: An encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs, and biologicals (edition, section pages). Publisher.

O’Neil, M. J. (Ed.) (2006). Atrasentan. In The Merck index: An encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs, and biologicals (14th ed., p. 145). Merck.


Chapter of an ebook, no author

Title of chapter. (year). In editor(s) names (Eds.), Title of book (volume, page numbers). Publisher.

Calcium carbonate. (2006). In N. Schlager, J. Weisblatt, & D.E. Newton (Eds.), Chemical compounds (Vol. 1, pp. 143-146). UXL. 


Chapter of a print book, no author

Title of chapter. (year). In editor(s) names (Eds.), Title of book (volume, page numbers). Publisher.

Silver nitrate. (2006). In N. Schlager, J. Weisblatt, & D.E. Newton (Eds.), Chemical compounds (Vol. 3, pp. 705-709). Thomson Gale.


Laboratory manual, retrieved BLACKBOARD (website)

Author. (year, semester). Title. Mount Royal University name of class Blackboard. URL

Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences. (2010, Winter). Experiment 2 atomic spectroscopy. Mount Royal University CHEM 1201 Blackboard.


Laboratory manual, in PRINT (print source)

Author. (year, semester). Title. Publisher.

Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences. (2009, Winter). Chemistry 2201 laboratory manual. Mount Royal University.


Journal article with DOI (electronic or print)

Author(s). (year). Title of article. Journal Title,volume (issue), page ##.

Armstrong, C. L., Duffin, C. A., McFarland, R., & Vogel, M. W. (2011). Mechanisms of compartmental purkinje cell death and survival in the lurcher mutant mouse. Cerebellum, 10(3), 504-514.


Journal article with NO DOI (electronic or print)

Author(s). (year). Title of article. Journal Title,volume (issue), page ##.

Zagorski, Z.P. (2003). Radiation chemistry and origins of life on earth. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 66(5), 329-334.


Patents (web source)

Author(s). (Year). Title of patent (Patent  #######). Patent office source name. URL

Fearon, R.E. (1961). Diffusion Cloud Chamber (U.S. Patent 2,977,476). U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.


Web article, no author

Title of article. (Date). Retrieved date, from URL

Absolute zero. (2008, February 13). Retrieved January 10, 2011, from


Website, group or corporate author

Organization name. (year). Title of website. Retrieved date, from URL

World Health Organization. (2010). The WHO agenda. Retrieved July 10, 2010, from

Citing an image in APA style

Any images used should include a figure note to indicate the source of the image*. You will also include a reference to the source of the image or data on your reference list. For more information on how to create a figure note, refer to pages 390 to 391 of the 7th edition of the APA manual. Here is an example of how to cite a photo retrieved online and in the reference list:


Chemical structure of caffeine

Figure 1. Chemical structure of caffeine. From Caffeine by C. Icey, 2006, Copyright 2006 by C. Icey.



Icey, C. (2006, August 20). Caffeine [Online image]. Wikipedia.


*It is important to be aware of copyright issues when using images in your work. Find out more.

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