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Resources to Help with your Annotated Bibliography

An annotated bibliography is a list of references with a brief description

  • Summarize the work – describe the content of the article
  • Evaluate the work – critically look at the good and bad aspects of the article
  • Determine the relevance – discuss how the source is relevant to your topic
  • Do NOT use the abstract to summarize, use your own words

To avoid plagiarism when paraphrasing remember these five important points:

1) Your paraphrased text should be significantly different from the original (i.e. don't just change a few words here and there)

2) You must change the structure of the sentence or paragraph you are paraphrasing, not just the words.

3) If you use anyone else's words verbatim (word for word) you need to put quotation marks around it.

4) Use proper citation method, (for ANTH 2225, use SAA citation format) to give credit for the idea's, opinions or theories you are presenting.

5) Check that you have preserved the original meaning of the text in your paraphrased version


Cite your sources in SAA format

Citation Management

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Joel Blechinger
Phone: 403.440.8624
Office: EL4423E