Love Your Library Art + Design Contest
Contest Details
The Library wants to feature your creativity and create items that can be shared with our campus community highlighting students' experiences of the Library. We invite students of all skill levels and disciplines to create and submit a visual reflection of the library in the medium of their choice. We invite creations such as craftwork, doodles, collage, or any other images in print or electronic form.
Winning submissions will be printed on a promotional item like socks, bookmarks, coffee mugs, stickers, bags, or other to be shared with fellow students, employees, and campus community members through the Winter 2025 to Winter 2026 semesters.
Up to three winners will receive a $200 gift card of their choice and an item with their winning design.
We are looking for creative works that reflect one or more of the following sentiments:
Your best experiences at MRU Library
The library through your eyes
Why do you love your library?
Library values: Welcoming, encouraging, discovering, creating, collaborating
Your library vibes
Applications will be accepted until Feb. 7, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. MST. Winning entries will be chosen by the Library’s Student Library Engagement and Advisory Committee (SLEAC). Winners will be notified by Feb. 14, 2025.
Eligibility and Guidelines
To be eligible for the “Love your Library” Contest, you must:
Be a current MRU student
Submit an original work; entries created with Generative AI are not eligible.
Please ensure the submission is high resolution (ideally 300ppi), no smaller than 8.5in x 11in, and created in CMYK colour space. Submissions can be PDF, PNG/JPG, or Adobe format (.psd, .ai, etc.). Adjustments to image may be necessary after selection in order to ensure design can be printed properly.
Submit a signed “Entry Agreement” form
The Entry Agreement form provides the Library with a perpetual, non-exclusive license to: display the artwork online, use the work in non-commercial promotional materials, and to print and display the artwork around the Library and MRU's campus. You retain ownership of the artwork and winners will be attributed on the library's website and on Library social media where the work is featured.
Entry agreement forms for submissions that do not win will be deleted after the contest has closed and winner(s) have been announced.
Physical entries are welcome - please contact to arrange a drop-off for your submission. Pick-up of physical items will be arranged once the contest is closed and winners are announced.
Submissions will be judged on their creativity and relation to the Library-related sentiments listed in the above section.
For any questions about the awards, please email: