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Why get involved in research?

Explore questions and issues that are important to you and give back to your community

Obtain hands on experience in your field of study

Gain skills that will give you a leg up in your job search or future graduate studies

How can I get involved in research?

Join the Undergraduate Research Learning Community

The Undergraduate Research Learning Community is open to all MRU students, whether you are currently involved in research or want to find out more about being a student researcher. Sign up to receive information about research assistantships, funding, events, and more. You'll also receive invitations to optional gatherings to connect with other student researchers, receive training, and attend expert talks.

Simply fill out this form to join the Learning Community.

Meet with the Undergraduate Research Leader in Your Faculty

Undergraduate Research Leaders

Not sure where to begin your research journey? Wondering what kinds of research opportunities are available to you?

Consider contacting the student Undergraduate Research Leader in your faculty. MRU's Undergraduate Research Leaders were once in your shoes. They can help you consider why you might want to become involved in research, point you to research opportunities you might not know about, show you how to get started, and tell you who to contact for more information.

Select your faculty on the left to find out more about your Undergraduate Research Leader and how to get in touch with them.

Julia Madden, Sociology
Contact Julia


I am in my fourth year of Sociology with a minor in Anthropology at MRU. I am passionate about my education and all the different communities at MRU.

For the past two years, I have been working remotely with the Library and Archives of Canada. I am working on my grad school proposal centred on understanding contemporary Indigenous issues. I believe research teaches us a lot about our past, our present and ourselves. I’m excited to share my passion for research with MRU students. Let’s get a meeting set up and talk more 😁

Kiran Qureshi, Accounting
Contact Kiran


I am a fourth-year business student at Mount Royal University majoring in Accounting. Over the past year, I have dedicated research to the field of management leadership, exploring transformative learning of students in the MGMT 4431 class and strategies within the business environment. I am happy to discuss the insights I've gained or help you embark on their own research journey. Don't hesitate to reach out!

Dawson Sheehan, Nursing
Contact Dawson


Hello! My name is Dawson and I am a third year nursing student at MRU. I work as a research assistant in the Fascicle Tendon and Energetics Research Lab (FasTER LAB) where we are currently studying the muscle-tendon interaction during exercise. I also work in the Department of Nursing and Midwifery where my current research focuses on streamlining disease management and developing tools to assist nurses with the identification and management of older adult abuse. Feel free to reach out!

Camryn Moline, Biology
Contact Camryn


I am in my fourth and final year of a BSc. Biology degree, concentrating in Anatomy and Physiology at MRU. Over the past two years, I have worked as a research assistant in Cell Biology investigating gene expression during myogenesis and muscle development. Engaging in undergraduate research has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my academic journey, and I am more than happy to discuss its benefits with you or help you embark on your own research path!

Need assistance?

If you need assistance with your research project, please reach out to your subject librarian. They would be happy to help.

If you are not sure who to chat with, please contact Brian Jackson.