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Erik Christiansen

Assistant Professor/Librarian
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Erik Christiansen

Phone: 403.440.5168
Office: EL4423C
  • MLIS, University of Alberta
  • BA, International Relations, University of British Columbia
  • Associate Cert., UI/UX Design, British Columbia Institute of Technology

Selected Publications
Van Wyk, N., Lafave, M., Lafave, L., Eubank, B., Clark, M., & Christiansen, E. (2024). Understanding the social and emotional domains of physical literacy in post-secondary education: A scoping review. The Curriculum Journal, 00, 1–18.

Fuiten, A., Morsette, S.J., Amin, S., Christiansen, E., & McNally, M.B. (2023, March 28). Alberta misses chance to make post-secondary education more affordable. Edmonton Journal.

Christiansen, E. (2022). Italian immigration to Kelowna and its lasting legacy. Okanagan History, 86.

Christiansen, E. & McNally, M. (2022). Examining the technical and pedagogical elements of select open courseware. First Monday, 27(10).

Hans, K. & Christiansen, E. (2022). Kris Hans and Erik Christiansen. In S. Abegglen, F. Neuhaus, & K. Wilson (Eds.), Voices from the digital classroom: 25 interviews about teaching and learning in the face of a global pandemic. University of Calgary Press.

Jessel, C., Christiansen, E., & McNally, M. (2021, July 23). Open educational resources would make post-secondary more affordable. Edmonton Journal.

McNally, M., & Christiansen, E. (2019, June 3). Open enough? Eight factors to consider when transitioning from closed to open resources and courses: A conceptual framework. First Monday 24(6).

Christiansen, E. (2015). Don’t make me type: A study of students’ perceptions of library catalogues on tablet computers. Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Librarian and Information Practice and Research 10(1).

Selected Presentations (Conferences, workshops, lectures, etc.)
Christiansen, E., & Hans., K. (2024, April 30). Beyond the hype: The real AI revolution [Conference session]. Mount Royal Faculty Association Annual Retreat, Kananaskis, AB, Canada.

Christiansen, E. (2023, November 1). The open education movement: From code to teaching materials [Guest lecture]. Athabasca University, Athabasca, AB, Canada.

Adams, S., Blomgren, C., Christiansen, E., Cockcroft, D., Macnaughton, S., & McNally, M. (2023, October 17). Examining OER advocacy in Alberta, Canada [Conference session]. Open Education Global, Edmonton, AB, Canada.

Christiansen, E. (2023, May 31). What happened to opencoursware? A discussion of the open education movement’s shift from course content to textbooks [Conference session]. Open/Technology in Education, Society, and Scholarship Association (OTESSA), Toronto, ON, Canada.

Devoe, D., & Christiansen, E. (2023, March 22). Seminar Series: Conducting systematic and scoping reviews: Part 2 [Seminar]. Mount Royal University, Calgary, AB, Canada.

Christiansen, E. (2023, February 23). SoTL literature reviews: Strategies and mechanics [Invited seminar]. SoTL Faculty Learning Community, Georgia Southern University, GA, USA.

Devoe, D., & Christiansen, E. (2022, November 15). Seminar Series: Conducting systematic and scoping reviews: Part 1 [Seminar]. Mount Royal University, Calgary, AB, Canada.

Devoe, D., & Christiansen, E. (2022, November 15 & 2023, March 22). Seminar Series: Conducting systematic and scoping reviews: Part 1 & 2 [Seminar]. Mount Royal University, Calgary, AB, Canada.

Christiansen, E. & Hans, K. (2021, November 23). Higher education trends that will outlast the pandemic [Invited webinar]. McGraw Hill, online.

Christiansen, E., & Chaston, A. (2021, May 28). Virtual Reality in Higher Education [Conference session]. True North Science Bootcamp, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, online.

Booke, J. E., Van Wyk, N. J., Kell, S. D., Christiansen, E. G., & Rossi, S. (2021). Inconclusive: A study of individual vs group project marks in health and physical education capstone course [Conference session]. Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education.

Christiansen, E., & McNally, M. (2020, November 16). Toward open pragmatism: Developing a revised framework for openness [Conference session]. Open Education Global Conference.

Christiansen, E., & McNally, M. (2020, November 10). How open is it? Developing a framework for ‘open pragmatism’ through examination of open courseware [Conference session]. OpenEd Conference.

Flierl, M., Mallon, M., Hays, L. & Christiansen, E. (2019, October 10). Enabling student learning through information, data, digital, and media literacies [Conference session]. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Atlanta, GA, United States.

Blomgren, C., Christiansen, E., & Klamn, R. (2019, April 11). #aboerjc – Reinventing the critical and scholarly discussion [Conference session]. OER19, Galway, Ireland.

Hays, L., Dahlqvist, C., & Christiansen, E. (2018, October 25). Helping students develop information skills is everyone’s business: Examining information contexts [Conference session]. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Bergen, Norway.

Christiansen, E., & McNally, B. (2018, April 24). Open enough? Eight factors to consider when transitioning from closed to open resources and courses: A conceptual framework [Conference session]. Open Education Global, Delft, Netherlands.

Check out my website for a full list of my publications, presentations, and blog posts.


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