Associate Dean, Research / Associate Professor, Library
MLIS, Dalhousie University
MSc, Universiteit van Amsterdam
BSc, University of Lethbridge
Francine is the Associate Research, providing leadership and administrative oversight for services, programming and staffing in this area. She also teaches in the library's information literacy program and taught for several years in the department of general education. Her research focuses on better understanding the role that libraries as physical spaces play in the lives of their users.
Professional and Scholarly Interests
• The use of space in academic libraries
• Libraries as public space
Selected Publications and Presentations
May,F., & A. Swabey.(2015). Using and experiencing the academic library: A multi-site observational study of space and place. College & Research Libraries 76 (6), 771-795 38 2015
May, F.(2011). Methods for studying the use of public spaces in Libraries/Les méthodes d'étude de l'utilisation des espaces publics dan les bibliothèques. Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science 35 (4), 354-366
May,F.(2003). Interdisciplinary collaboration in the Baltimore Ecosystem Study. Unpublished thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands