The official record of what was said in the House of Commons from 1994 on. Choose a session from the menu on the left-hand side of the page and select a date from the calendar or select 'Search and browse by Subject' to find keywords.
The official record of what was said in the Senate from 1996-on. Select your session from the menu on the left or see the link to Senate indexes (below).
The Journals provide a quick run-down of what was done in the House of Commons, sort of a game highlights for each sitting from 1994 on. Select your session from the menu on the left or use the calendar to choose your date.
The Journals provide a quick run-down of what was done in the Senate, sort of a 'game highlights' for each sitting from 1994 on. Select your session from the menu on the left or use the calendar to choose your date.
The official newspaper of the Government of Canada includes Orders in Council, notices and proposed Regulations, Acts of Parliament and more from 1998 on.
The searchable electoral history of Canada since Confederation! Includes the names of all the candidates to all the federal elections and description of all the ridings.
Department of Justice site providing all federal acts and regulations currently in force, as well as links to the Constitution Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Searchable consolidated legislation (Acts, Regulations) with annual statutes back to 1995. Also covers some Canadian court, board and tribunal decisions, including the Supreme Court.
Juristat provides a wealth of statistical information about Canada's legal system, crime and the administration of criminal and civil justice in Canada.
Sometimes citing laws, regulations or bills can be quite tricky. You either have to follow examples from one of the citation styles (APA, MLA, etc) and modify them OR you can use this print book found in the Library Reference section. This guide is the standard for legal citation in Canada but make sure to check with your instructor to see which style they would prefer.
Check out the Statistics section of the library website for free stats on the web and Statistics Canada products from the Data Liberation Initiative, as well as custom MRU-only products!
One hundred years of facts and figures about Canada are available in this newly-digitized collection of annual year books. Includes Historical data from 1867 to 1967, with historical text, tables, charts and maps.
A digital library providing access to more than 2 million pages of Canada's printed heritage including Canadian government publications from European settlement to the early 20th century
Produced by Natural Resources Canada, this website provides reference maps, topogrpahic maps, data as well as maps by subject (health, economy, climate change).
A searchable databases of all the bilateral, multilateral and plurilateral treaties that Canada is party to. Searchable by keyword, subject and text. Most treaties available in full-text.
From the National Gallery of Canada, over ten thousand images from its collection as well as video and audio recordings of notable artists, games, information, resource center for teachers and more.
Sometimes citing government information can be tricky. Try checking out our guides to various citation styles here, or come and ask us for help at the Library Service Desk!