These databases are your first best picks for LGBTQ2+ topics.
**It's important to remember that words and terms change frequently over time and as ideas progress - try several searches, using all the synonyms you can think of. Using current language will retrieve current information while historical terminology will find older information. For example, searches with the words homosexual, gay and queer will each give different results.
Articles covering LGBTQ2+ and queer topics cross disciplinary boundaries, and they can be found in nearly all subject areas. The databases below are top picks because of their content, but take a moment to consider whether your research topic fits with another subject area such as literature, health/nursing, psychology, etc.
For LGBTQ2+ topics, your best bet is to consult the Librarian assigned to your subject area or discipline, as this is likely to be the perspective that you will work from. You can find a full listing HERE
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