Documenting the Pandemic:
Submissions Gallery

Question 1
My greatest concern would be that we start trying to bring back normalcy too quick. Reopening places, being lenient with going outside, getting together, etc. I think until a vaccine is created and shown to work, there is no stopping the pandemic.
Question 2
Definitely health. I have been putting on so much weight and I can't find the motivation to get out of bed. Before this whole COVID situation, I used to have goals for the day; go shopping, buy groceries, go for a walk, go to the park, etc. Now that almost everything I used to do is either shut down, involves going out, or is unsafe to do, I don't know what to do with my time.

Question 1
My greatest concern is with people who believe that the pandemic is a hoax, people who feel that they are justified in risking public safety. My hope is that this break in the usual pace of life will greatly improve our environment.
Question 2
The move to online classes and working from home has greatly impacted my workload. I am grateful to have a job at this time, but the focus on electronic books and databases has given me a lot of work to do in a short space of time.