Databases are highly organized catalogues that include published materials such as journal articles, newspaper articles, magazines, books and videos. Some databases are discipline specific, so for example, Criminology databases likely contain a variety of journals that specialize in criminal justice and law as a topic. Every database is slightly different, but they all allow you to search by topic or keyword, subject, author, title and phrase.
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Open access repository for criminological research. Includes books and pre and post print journal articles.
CanLII - Canadian Legal Information Institute - Web resource that provides full-text of federal and provincial statutes and regulations, jurisprudence as well as various types of secondary law materials from law reviews, treatises, reports and articles.
National Criminal Justice Reference Service Abstracts - Provides summaries of more than 190,000 publications focusing on law enforcement and criminal justice, including books, government reports, research reports, and unpublished research. It also includes content from 189 journals, Topics covered within the database include corrections, courts, crime statistics, domestic preparedness, drugs, juvenile justice. Includes good Canadian content.
ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) - Contains specialized collections of data in education, aging, criminal justice, substance abuse, terrorism, and other fields.
United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNDOC) Human Trafficking Knowledge Portal- Offers very easy to use international (with Canadian content) case law, legislation and article databases.
Policy Commons is a one-stop community platform for objective, fact-based research from the world’s leading policy experts, nonpartisan think tanks, IGOs and NGOs.
Full-text access to hundreds of periodicals from 1983 onwards. Topics including current events, health, technology, arts, history, literature, culture, and business, with a focus on both academic and mainstream titles.
Contains full text journal content in the areas of social & behavioral sciences, health & life sciences, and physical sciences.
Covers all aspects of Indigenous North American culture, history, and life, including archaeology, multicultural relations, gaming, governance, legend, and literacy.
Yes, Google does article searches! Go in through this link and find out what Google Scholar has that you can get full-text through our library.
Juristat - In depth analysis and detailed Canadian statistics on a variety of topics and issues related to justice and public safety
Statistics Canada - Stats Canada is the official national statistics site.
Crime and Justice - A sub page of the Stats Canada site with a focus on police, crime and court statistics.
Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics - statistics related to crime and victims of crime prepared by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP).
State of the Criminal Justice System Dashboard - Organized by 9 high level outcomes or themes. Select an outcome an view infographs and downloadable data related to that theme and related categories.
Cannabis Stats Hub - Statistics Canada one stop place for statistical information relating to Health, Justice, Economy and other topics.
ODESI - (Ontario Data Documentation, Extraction Service and Infrastructure) Digital repository for social science data including polling data.
Legal Aspects of Policing is a two volume loose leaf that is updated annually. It is the leading Canadian resource on the subject of how law regulates policing and also contains selected material from Commonwealth jurisdictions. You can find it on the third floor of the library KE 5006.A6 C48