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The Assignments


Learning logs:

Synthesize key learnings from your field experience, class activities and discussions, journal articles, book chapters, association reports and course readings. You are being asked to complete 5 learning log entries.


Your Research Question:

Clear: easily understood by your audience

Focused: narrow enough to allow you to address it in your assignment

Concise: expressed in the fewest possible words

Complex: Cannot be answered with yes or no. Is not a leading question

Open: open to research - should generate more questions

Add your topic to the Jamboard on a sticky note.

What is your topic? culturally-responsive teaching

Rephrase your topic as a question:

Does culturally-responsive teaching contribute to the creation of a safe learning environment?

Searching the databases

Consider 5-6 critical points to assist in narrowing your topic:

Sample search:

Critical points:

Start with a preliminary search. Consider popular sources (relevant websites news etc.  to determine your interests. Revise your research question and your search strategy.

Canadian Education Organizations

Consult the ATA for relevant reports

Consult the Canadian Education Association/ EdCan Network

  • "culturally-responsive"

Search COPA for information on safe classroom environments, bullying etc.

Accessing other Libraries and Resources

Learn Alberta 

Use a COPPUL  card to access the following local collections:

University Of Calgary -  Doucette Library

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Pearl Herscovitch
she, her
Phone: 403.440.6022
Office: EL4423B