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Today's Objectives

By the end of today’s Library session, you will be able to:

  • distinguish between different types of scholarly and popular sources
  • identify key search terms
  • locate relevant scholarly articles and books using different search tools

Assignments in Brief

Assignment One:

  • One painting reproduced in your textbook
  • Consult at least 3 scholarly books or articles to support your argument - the sources must be available through MRU Library
  • Create an argument or case regarding the painting

Assignment Two:

  • Impact/significance of an artist chosen from your textbook (not the same artist from assignment one)
  • Consult at least four scholarly sources - the sources must be available through MRU Library
  • Develop an argument about the artist related to their impact or significance

Activity #1 - Identifying Scholarly Sources

As a group, take a look at the sources you have been provided. For the next 5 minutes, discuss the following:

  • Which of the sources would qualify as a scholarly article or book that you could use for your assignment?
  • How did you know they were scholarly? 

Links to the printed sources in your package

1. Holmes, John. "Rebels of Art and Science." Nature 562, 7728 (2018): 490–91.

Link to full text

2. Mitchell, Rosemary. “Millais as Modernist.” Cambridge Quarterly 35, no. 2 (2006): 181–84.

Link to full text

3. Ruscha, Ed. "Looking Down From Above." Tate Etc. Spring 2011. Research Library.

Link to full text 

4. Søndergaard, Peter Brix. “‘Something Strangely Perverse’. Nature and Gender in J. E. Millais’s Ophelia.” Romantik 7, no. 1 (2018): 115–26.

Link to full text

Activity #2 - Identifying Search Terms

Browse the following short article about the painting Ophelia by Sir John Everett Millais

Add some possible terms you could use to search for a book or article on this painting below


Tips for Using Library Search

  • Use quotation marks around your search terms to search for an exact phrase (such as the title of a painting)
    • Ex: "School of Athens"
  • Use synonyms and related terms
  • Try adding additional search terms or more specific terms to narrow your search
  • Use an asterisk (*) after the root of a search term to include multiple endings
    • Ex: Searching Modernis* will find Modernist, Modernism, Modernists
  • Type NOT before a search term to exclude it from the results

Google Scholar Search

Yes, Google does article searches! Go in through this link and find out what Google Scholar has that you can get full-text through our library.

Google Scholar Search

Art History Article Databases

You can search our article databases (collections of journal, newspaper and magazine articles). If the article is not in the database, click on the "Look for a Copy" link.

Citation guides and resources

MRU has prepared handy citation guides that summarize how to create notes and bibliographies for the styles like Chicago and MLA. Near the end of each guide are examples of how to cite different types of resources, which can give you a useful template. 


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Cari Merkley

Associate Dean, Collections / Associate Professor, Library
Phone: 403.440.5068

Associate Professor & Archivist and Special Collections Librarian

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Peter Houston

Phone: 403.440.5197