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Presentation Assignment

How to find your LEAP 2 presentation assignment guide:

  1. Go to the library home page (
  2. Click on "Research Support" (on the menu bar)
  3. Click "Subject Guides & Specialists"
  4. Look for EAL and click "guide"
  5. Look for "courses" (on the menu) bar and select LEAP 2 presentation


  1. Find the presentation assignment library guide for LEAP 2
  2. Brainstorm causes and effects of your topic
  3. Use the MRU LibrarySearch tool
  4. Practice different search strategies
  5. Find at least one academic source by the end of class

From your assignment instructions:

  1. minimum of three journalistic sources
  2. a list of all sources (including pictures)
  3. causes and effects

Before you begin to search

  • Steps to choosing your topic and research question

    • Choose a more general question or topic
    • Do some background research to find out a bit more and see how others have discussed that topic.
    • Develop some more focused questions that you might want to focus on
    • Further define your topic - avoid being too broad (or you will never be able to cover it all) or too narrow (you may not find enough information)
    • Not sure if your topic is too broad or too narrow? You might have to do a bit more searching and reading to find out. 
  • Some ways to narrow a topic:

    • Place (geography, location, setting, etc.)

    • Population (Age, demographic, etc.)

    • Timeframe (year, decade, etc.)

    • Relevant issue or challenge (eg. difficulty finding work, learning disability, etc.)

  • Let's Practice!  

Research Organizer

How to save a copy of the research organizer

  1. Open the link in Google Docs.

  2. To save a copy of the document to Google Drive, select "File" and "Copy."
  3. To download the document as a Word (.docx) file, select "File" > "Download" > "Microsoft Word (.docx)"

When writing academically, your are expected to use the best sources available to you.  Academic sources are often harder to understand (from an English language perspective) than non-academic sources.  You need at least three academic sources for the presentation assignment.  Here are some important sources that meet the requirements of the presentation.

  1. Encyclopedias
  2. Books (print and ebooks)
  3. DVDs and Streaming Video
  4. Newspapers
  5. Magazines
  6. Journals



  • Strengths: short, contains background information on a topic, normally a great starting point when you are just learning about a topic
  • Weaknesses: too short, print encyclopedias are out of date quickly, Wikipedia has reliability issues

Books and Book Chapters

  • Strengths: Provides an in-depth investigation into a topic
  • Weaknesses: too long, sometimes hard to tell whether it is scholarly

Scholarly Journal Articles

  • Strengths: often based on research findings or extensive review, written by experts, reviewed by experts, provides evidence
  • Weaknesses: Sometimes written using discipline-specific language or terminology, hard to understand

Media Sources (news, online magazine articles)

  • Strengths: Good for current information
  • Weaknesses: Sometimes biased, sometimes written to entertain, often not written by experts, often not reviewed by experts

Image of a radar dish at night against a sky with stars

Photo by Alec Favale on Unsplash

Quality: Use RADAR

What is RADAR?

The RADAR system helps us check if the information is good.

The RADAR system helps you decide if information is good. RADAR stands for Relevance, Authority, Date, Accuracy, and Reason. Let’s look at each part.

Relevance Is the information about your topic? Does it help answer your question? Make sure it is useful for what you need.
Authority Who wrote the information? Are they experts? Check if the author or organization is trustworthy.
Date When was the information written? Is it current or old? Sometimes you need the latest info, and other times older information is okay.
Accuracy Is the information correct? Are there mistakes? Does it have sources or evidence to support it?
Reason Why was this information written? Is it to inform, sell, entertain, or persuade you? Knowing the reason can help you understand if it is biased or fair.



Accessibility refers to your ability to understand and summarize the ideas presented in your source.

  • For example, can you tell a classmate what your source is about without reading directly from your source?  Think about a movie you've recently seen and a friend asked you what was it about.  What would you tell them?

Less is more: Start with one or two words and then add one additional term at a time

  • stress coping
  • stress coping meditation

Phrase searching: Use "quotation marks" around key ideas made up of multiple words

  • "coping strategies" and depression
  • "time management" and stress

Search limits: These refine (narrow) your search using different restrictions

  • Date (last 10 years)
  • Type of source (like books, articles, video, reference entries)
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Erik Christiansen

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