This custom Google search retrieves results from Calgary print, TV, radio and web-based news outlets. For best results include Calgary as a search term.
These databases contain newspaper and magazine articles, and tv and radio broadcast transcripts:
Combines Canadian magazines, newspapers, newswires, reference books, biographies, and an image collection to create a collection of regional full text content.
Full-text access to hundreds of periodicals from 1983 onwards. Topics including current events, health, technology, arts, history, literature, culture, and business, with a focus on both academic and mainstream titles.
MRU Library subscribes to a huge number of magazines. Check out electronic versions of current and past issues of the titles listed here. We also have current subscriptions to some of these titles in print -- check out the periodical collection on the third floor of the Library & Learning Centre.
You can find more magazines using our custom journal search in LibrarySearch.
Try these tools to scan and track stories within and across social media platforms.
This extraordinary anthology of recent writing mixes columns and long-form journalism, profiles and reportage, new voices and well-known favourites. The assembled pieces offer polished prose, unusual perspectives, and rare insight. These remarkable pieces offer lasting insight that, like sport itself, excites, inspires, and never fails to reveal the truth about ourselves.
Examines the emerging phenomenon of the second screen: where users are increasingly engaging with content on two screens concurrently. The practice is transforming television into an interactive, participatory and social experience.
Entrepreneurial Journalism explains how, in the age of online journalism, digital-savvy media practitioners are building their careers by using low-cost digital technologies to create unique news platforms and cultivate diverse readerships.