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What is Citation Chaining?

Citation chaining is a search strategy that involves following the citation trial of a source to see how the scholarly conversation on your topic has developed over time. It involves two parts

1. Reviewing a resource's list of references

2. Using tools provided in PhilPapers, Philosopher's Index, LibrarySearch and Google Scholar to see who has since cited that resource in their work.

Citation Chaining in PhilPapers

Some results in PhilPapers will include links to both the sources referenced in the article and to who has cited this article since its publication.

On a results page for an article in PhilPapers, on the left hand side of the screen title citations of this work. These will be more recent books and articles that cited the article in question. Below that is a box with a list of the works that were cited in the article itself.

To access an article in PhilPapers, it is best to scroll down and click on Full Text at MRU Library further down the page.

Citation Chaining in Philosopher's Index

Some results in Philosopher's Index will include links to both the sources referenced in the article and to who has cited this article since its publication. Unfortunately, this information is not provided for every search result as you can see below.

Citation Chaining in LibrarySearch

Many of the results in LibrarySearch allow you to see both an article's references and who they have been cited by.

To see the sources cited by a particular article, select the red down arrow.

To see who has cited this work since its publication, select the red up arrow.

Citation Chaining in Google Scholar

The cited by feature in Google Scholar typically provides a much longer list of resources than the other tools mentioned. 



It is Asking Me to Pay to Open an Article - What Do I Do?

While you are a student at MRU, you never need to pay to access an article. Sometimes you will come across articles in Google that will not allow you to access the full text - if that happens, here are your options:

- Copy the title of the article and paste it into LibrarySearch. If the article is covered by our subscriptions, a link will be provided to the full text.

- If we don't have the article in our collection, you can request a copy of the article for free using our Interlibrary Loan service.


If you are using Google Scholar at home, you will have to adjust the settings to see which articles are available full text through MRU library.


Choose Settings

settings option on google scholar



Select Library Links. In the search box, search for Mount Royal. Be sure to hit save!

choose library links and search for mount royal


Articles that we paid for access to will be flagged in your search results

Links to full text articles at MRU


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Cari Merkley

Associate Dean, Collections / Associate Professor, Library
Phone: 403.440.5068