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Finding Scholarly/Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Characteristics of a Peer Reviewed Scholarly Article

  • Author or authors are experts in their field. It will list the institution/research institute that they are affiliated with e.g. Mount Royal University
  • Article appears in a publication that employs peer review to ensure the quality of the articles it publishes. This is usually indicated on the journal homepage or you can refer to Ulrich's Directory where journals with peer review are indicated with a striped referee shirt next to the title 
  • The title will be very specific, clearly identifying the research question the article is exploring
  • The intended audience is other experts in the field, so the language used may include lots of jargon or advanced terminology. Give yourself extra time to read the article for this reason.
  • The article itself will be long (typically more than 3 pages)
  • Outside sources of information are clearly cited throughout (footnotes/endnotes/entries on a bibliography)

Examples of Peer Reviewed Scholarly Articles

LibrarySearch refers to the search box on the Library homepage

Tips for Using LibrarySearch to Find Religious Studies Scholarly Articles

  • Once you have run your search, use the limits on the left hand side to limit to Peer Reviewed and Resource Type - Articles.
    • Note: The peer reviewed limit doesn't work perfectly - you have to look at the full text of the article to confirm it is a scholarly research article. Refer to the characteristics listed in an earlier tab.
  • Select "Expand your results beyond MRU Library" to make sure you are seeing the broadest range of research on your topic. If we don't have a copy of the article you are interested in, you can request it for free using our interlibrary loan service.

Image of filters in LibrarySearch. Peer reviewed and resource type - articles limits have been selected. Setting has been changed to show results beyond MRU Library

Google Scholar is another tool that can be used to find peer reviewed scholarly articles. Please note that there isn't a review process as to what gets added to Google Scholar, so make sure you critically evaluate the sources you find.

If you are using Google Scholar at home, it is important to change the settings to see links to the full text of articles through MRU Library

In Settings, select Library Links. Search for MRU Library. Check the box "Full-text@MRU Library" and click save.

You will now see links for Full-Text@MRU Library next to your search results

Screenshot of Google Scholar showing the link to full text next to the article

Finding Scholarly Books and Book Chapters

Characteristics of a Scholarly Book

  • The author or authors are experts in their field. Their institutional affiliation might be noted in the book's introduction or an "about the authors" section. If you don't see this information, you can typically confirm their background by searching for their name. Most university researchers will be featured on university's website. 
  • Scholarly books do typically go through a review process that involves obtaining feedback from an expert or multiple experts in the field
  • The book is published by an academic press (e.g. Oxford University Press, University of Toronto Press) or a publisher that specializes in academic books (e.g. Routledge) 
  • The intended audience is other experts in the field, so the language used may include lots of jargon or advanced terminology.
  • Sources are clearly cited throughout the book (you should expect to see a lot of footnotes/endnotes/entries on a bibliography).

Examples of Scholarly Books or Chapters in Edited Scholarly Books

Tips for Finding Books using LibrarySearch

  • There isn't a limit for scholarly books (the peer reviewed limit only works with journal articles), so you will need to take a look at the book itself to make sure it is a scholarly discussion of the topic
  • You can limit to books and book chapters under Resource Type
  • Books are tagged with subject labels, so if you find one useful book, you can use the subject to link to similar books


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Cari Merkley

Associate Dean, Collections / Associate Professor, Library
Phone: 403.440.5068