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GNED 1404 - Winter 2024

In today's class:

  1. Brainstorming search words
  2. Strengths/weaknesses of different types of sources
  3. Using LibrarySearch to find scholarly articles and books
  4. Citing sources and images using APA and MLA style
  5. Time to work on your assignments
How would you describe your current research skills when it comes to finding academic sources?
Excellent - I am able to find the academic sources I need for my assignments with no issues: 3 votes (12.5%)
Ok - I am able to find the sources I need for my assignment, but sometimes it takes me longer than I would like: 20 votes (83.33%)
I am very new to searching, and am not sure how to find academic sources for my assignments: 1 votes (4.17%)
Total Votes: 24
Which citation style will you be using for your assignments?
APA: 24 votes (96%)
MLA: 1 votes (4%)
Total Votes: 25
Which cat (see below) best represents your feelings towards citation?
Cat 1 - Citation is easy and stress free: 4 votes (12.5%)
Cat 2 - Citation can be annoying but I can do it: 25 votes (78.13%)
Cat 3 - Thinking about citation makes me want to hide under the covers: 3 votes (9.38%)
Total Votes: 32


Generating Keywords from Images

Individually or with a classmate, review the following image and answer the following:

  • What do you see in this image?  Think of different terms to describe what you see.
  • What possible meaning(s) does this image suggest to you?  Think of different terms to describe possible meaning.

Add your thoughts to the following Jamboard.

Image of people outside in New York with sky orange from wildfire smoke

(Quintano, 2023)

When assessing the quality of a source, here are some questions to consider:


Strengths: short, contains background information on a topic, normally a great starting point when you are just learning about a topic
Weaknesses: too short, print encyclopedias are out of date quickly, Wikipedia has reliability issues

Books and Book Chapters
Strengths: Provides an in-depth investigation into a topic
Weaknesses: too long, sometimes hard to tell whether it is scholarly

Scholarly Journal Articles
Strengths: often based on research findings or extensive review, written by experts, reviewed by experts, provides evidence
Weaknesses: Sometimes written using discipline-specific language or terminology, hard to understand,

Media Sources (news, online magazine articles)
Strengths: Good for current information
Weaknesses: Sometimes biased, sometimes written to entertain, often not written by experts, often not reviewed by experts

Websites & Social Media
Strengths: Highly accessible, includes government info
Weaknesses: It is hard to assess credibility and reliability...anyone can post online or create a website

Lectures, Ted Talks, Interviews, Recordings, Testimony
Strengths: Primary, first-hand accounts
Weaknesses: It is hard to assess credibility and reliability...single perspective relying on the accuracy of memory.

What are the best tools for finding academic sources?

General Search Tools

  • These search multiple disciplines.  Not as strong for finding discipline-specific topics (ie.  stress - psychology or stress - engineering)
  • Examples include: LibrarySearch, Academic Search Complete, Google Scholar

Subject Specific Search Tools (Use the subject guides to help identify these)

  • These tools are focused on a specific discipline, such as psychology, economics, biology, etc.  Use the subject guides to help choose a subject specific search tool

Using LibrarySearch


Things to remember when using LibrarySearch:

  1. Sign in to save searches, items, and to request materials.

  2. Use the pin icon to save books and articles. 

  3. Use the filters on the right. Common filters are Availability, Resource Type, Peer-Review and Date.

  4. When viewing an item record, scroll down to the Get It or Full-Text section to get the item.

Additional LibrarySearch Features

  1. Description / Subject Headings
  2. Access Options (physical location, online access)
  3. Tools (Cite-It, Permalink)

General Searching Tips:

Less is More: Start with one or two words and then add one additional term at a time

  • water pollution Bangladesh
  • water pollution Bangladesh textiles

Phrase searching: Use "quotation marks" around key ideas made up of multiple words

  • "climate change"
  • very useful when you have a specific phrase containing common words

Truncation: Use an asterisk * to find different endings to your keywords

  • canad* = canada, canadian, canadians

Use limits: These refine (narrow) your search using different restrictions

  • Date (last 10 years)
  • Peer-reviewed (for articles)

You can combine all the above in your search:

  • "climate change" canad*
Additional Examples Shared in Class


In Google Docs

Highlight your reference(s). Select Format - Align & Indent - Indentation Options.

In the Indentation option menu, select Special indent - hanging

In Word

Highlight your reference(s) and open the paragraph menu. You can click on the bottom of the paragraph section of the top menu, or right click on your mouse to access it. The images below have been captured on a PC, so it may look slightly different if you are using a Mac.

In the paragraph menu, make the following selections:

  • Under indentation, select Special - Hanging
  • In spacing, select double
  • Check off the option "don't add space between paragraphs of the same style"

Questions about research or citation?

The Library can help

  • Stop by the Library service desk, 1st floor Riddell Library and Learning Centre
  • Library chat (blue chat icon in bottom right corner of Library webpages
  • Text 587-400-8044
  • Book an appointment with Cari or another librarian

Questions about citation or writing?

Student Learning Services provides in-depth help with citation and writing.

  • Attend an MLA, APA or writing workshop (registration is required).
  • Complete the self-paced online APA tutorial, available on D2L. Click here then select “Enroll in Course” to get started. (Make sure you’re logged in using credentials.)
  • Book a one-on-one appointment to meet with a Learning Strategist online or in person.



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Cari Merkley

Phone: 403.440.5068
Office: EL4423U