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Bates' Visual Guide to Physical Assessment (continually updated)


The Bates video series is moving to a new platform. As a result, all of the previous links will stop working on January 14, 2025.

To locate the replacement link for a Bates video, please refer to the following list.

There have been changes to how the videos are labelled and organized, so you may find it helpful to search the list for the unique video number (look for a number at the end of the existing link to the video e.g.


Mosby Nursing Skills Videos (4th edition)

Direct links to the videos in the following playlists are available in the following document.

Direct links to the videos in the following playlists are available in the following document.

Direct links to the videos in the following playlists are available in the following document.

Taylor Video Series (2015 edition)

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Cari Merkley

Associate Dean, Collections / Associate Professor, Library
Phone: 403.440.5068