Your Research Proposal should:
A review of the literature on your topic will help you do all three things effectively.
Purdue's guide to Writing a Literature Review
Clear: easily understood by your audience
Focused: narrow enough to allow you to address it in your assignment
Concise: expressed in the fewest possible words
Complex: Cannot be answered with yes or no. Is not a leading question
Open: open to research - should generate more questions
Phrase your topic in the form of a research question:
What is your topic? youth, trauma and strength-based interventions
Add your topic to the Jamboard on a sticky note.
Rephrase your topic as a question:
What are strength-based interventions that assist youth in using personal strengths to respond to a traumatic event?
Scholarly | Grey literature | Professional or trade journals |
Scholarly journal articles:
Scholarly books and book chapters
Grey literature:
Professional or trade journals:
Search for these in library databases or Google Scholar |
Search for these in Google, Google Scholar or ERIC | Search for these resources using Library databases or Google |
sample search: "early childhood" caregiver* "trauma-informed care" |
sample search: |
sample search: "student well-being" (practicum OR "field work") "early childhood" |
Start with Library Search. If the full-text is not immediately available in the database you're searching, click on "Find Full Text".
Author | Date | Research Question | Conclusions | Themes | Methodology | Comments |
Synthesizing sources (Purdue University's Online Writing Lab)
If you find an article that is relevant to your paper, you can use that article to find similar works.
Author - search for other articles by the same author(s). Most researchers tend to focus their research on similar topics.
Journal - browse or search within the same journal. Many journals have a very specific focus that might be relevant to your search. Look for special issues that publish multiple articles on the same topic.
You can see if the library has access to a specific journal here: Journals by title
Search the reference list at the end of an article - you can use the reference list at the end of an article to identify other research on your topic. But that approach will only allow you to find articles published before your article was written.
There are ways to identify related articles that have been published since your article was written.
Search for your article in the following databases or Google Scholar and use the 'Cited by' or 'Times cited' tools to identify newer articles on your topic.