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Computing Best Bets: Books, Encyclopedias and Video Resources

You can search LibrarySearch for print and ebooks. After searching, use the Availability filters on the right to limit your search by format (and more).

You can also find useful print books in computer science and related disciplines in the library stacks within the following Library of Congress call number ranges:

GV1469.15-1469.62: computer games, video games
QA75.5-76.95: electronic computers, computer science
TK7885-7895: computer engineering, computer hardware
ZA4150-4380: computer network resources

See what's new in the Library's computer science collection

Ebook Databases

Reference Databases

Individual Reference Titles


Open Educational Resources (OERs) are teaching and learning resources that are free to all and licensed by their creators for sharing and remixing, including items such as textbooks, readings, multi-media files, software, assessment tools and even entire courses.  See below for specific searches looking at examples of OERs in Computing or visit our OER page to find out more.

Programming languages - open textbooks

Information systems - open textbooks

Web Development (textbooks, course materials, courses and modules available)

Python - textbooks, modules, courses and course materials available

Java - Textbooks, courses, interactive simulations, and modules available

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Francine May

Associate Dean, Collections and Research / Associate Professor, Library

Phone: 403-440-6128