By the end of today's session you will:
What is primary research in computer science? Primary research in computer science involves the process of conducting original research to create new knowledge or understanding. The approach uses a systematic method of investigation relating to a problem or question and using methods that will generate new data or insights.
How is research data gathered? Methods of data collection may involve:
How is it similar to primary research in other disciplines? It involves the typical research steps of problem identification, literature review, hypothesis testing, and dissemination.
What are some unique characteristics? It has a computational focus, fast pace, more interdisciplinarity and collaborative, high diversity of evaluation methods, and the significant role of conferences.
Research in machine learning is wide ranging and rapidly evolving, here are some examples of topics under investigation:
Read the paper in three passes not from beginning to end. Each pass builds on the previous.
What is a predatory journal? These journals take advantage of authors by asking them to publish for a fee and then they do not provide peer-review or editing. They often offer very quick turnaround for publishing. Higher quality journals can take longer to publish because of the review processes.
How to spot a predatory journal:
There are no foolproof ways to determine if a journal is predatory, but there is some detective work you can undertake if you want to investigation.
Key sources of computer science literature
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