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Undergraduate Research Leadership Program (Applications now closed)

The Undergraduate Research Leadership Program provides opportunities for experienced student researchers to support fellow students and help contribute to undergraduate research initiatives at MRU. One Leader will be selected from each of the faculties of Arts; Science & Technology; Business & Communication Studies; and Health, Community, and Education. With support from the program coordinator, the four leaders will work together and individually to help mentor prospective student researchers, promote research opportunities on campus, and bring additional student perspectives to student research initiatives.

If you have research experience and want to help others explore research opportunities, read more about the positions on this page and apply between April 8 and 30, 2024.

The program will run from September, 2024 until May, 2025. Leaders will commit up to 12 hours each month to the following activities:

  • Providing support for undergraduate researchers through the development of:
    • discussion panels 
    • one-to-one or small group mentorship opportunities
    • peer review and tutorial programs 
    • application support for grants, awards, and research assistantships
    • other events and programming
  • Working with faculty, staff, and students to advance research initiatives at MRU
  • Raise awareness of undergraduate research opportunities in their home faculties and across campus
  • Attending regular Leaders meetings and participating in training

Undergraduate Research Leaders will be provided with support and training throughout the program.

Undergraduate Research Leaders will be currently enrolled in an MRU degree program and will have completed at least 60 credits prior to the start of the program in September. Leaders should demonstrate strong research skills and have previous research experience, which may include:

  • previous work as a research assistant
  • participation in a research-focused program such as the Catamount Fellowship
  • successful completion of courses involving in-depth research
  • dissemination of research, including poster or oral presentations, journal articles, or other scholarly works

Above all, Leaders should be enthusiastic about helping others succeed in research.

Undergraduate Research Leaders will:

  • have the opportunity to support peers while gaining leadership experience
  • develop their own research skills through training opportunities
  • develop awareness of research practices outside of their program
  • contribute to the research-related initiatives of the university

The Undergraduate Research Leaders Program is a paid opportunity with an hourly wage of $22.50.

Applications for the 2024-2025 program are now closed.

Before filling out the form, you'll need to prepare the following:

  • a current CV
  • a brief letter of support from an MRU faculty member with direct knowledge of your research experience. Letters of support should describe the research connection between the faculty member and the applicant and the applicant’s suitability for the role (max 300 words)
  • responses to the following application form questions:
    • Describe your experience with research as an undergraduate student. Examples might include research positions, programs, courses, or dissemination in which you have been involved.  Please describe your role and contributions (max. 300 words).
    • Describe any leadership experience that you have, such as academic activities, employment, volunteering, extracurricular activities, or other experiences in which you have led or helped others (max. 200 words).
    • Why do you want to be an Undergraduate Research Leader? (max 200 words)

A shortlist of applicants will be contacted to participate in brief, informal interviews prior to the final selection.

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Brian Jackson

Phone: 403.440.5032
Office: EL4423X