This 45-minute Academic Integrity online training module includes learning materials, sample scenarios, and questions to test your understanding. Completing this module will strengthen your understanding of why academic integrity is vital to our MRU community, how it’s defined in the new MRU policy, and help you feel more confident when making decisions related to your academic work.
Make sure you’re logged into your Google account to access the module. If you are having trouble accessing the training, open an incognito window, log in to your email account, and then open the link.
At the end of the training module, click ‘Submit’ and receive a record of completion to your account.
This tutorial offered through the University of Washington Libraries is designed for all levels of student research expertise. Students can track and share their progress using the Tutorial Action Plan.
The Undergraduate Researcher Tutorial is a self-paced online tutorial that introduces undergraduate students to research skills and library resources and services.
Undergraduate Researcher Tutorial
By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to:
Read Strategically: Efficiently read scholarly texts for comprehension and meaning and improve confidence in reading scholarly texts.
Better Evaluate Information: Consider what credibility means in different information contexts and select and apply a strategy for evaluating any information source.
Enhance Database & Searching Skills: Select an appropriate search tool based on your information need and construct a search based on keywords and use/apply search strategies.
Better Manage Citations: Build knowledge of academic citation conventions and choose a citation management tool that matches your specific research needs.
Publish & Share Your Research: Understand the publishing ecosystem and examine and apply the rights and responsibilities of undergraduate student researchers & authors.
Find Your Balance: Utilize personal strengths to manage imposter phenomenon and create a plan to organize and manage your time.
Created by UW Libraries staff: Kathleen Collins, Reed Garber-Pearson, Taylor Healey-Brooks, Amanda Hornby, Michelle Li, Chelsea Riddle, Emilie Vrbancic, Karen Wang, Linda Whang, Kat Wyly, and Lucinda Zhang. Special thanks to the UW Undergraduate Research Program and the UW Libraries' Graduate Student Research Institute.
If you need assistance with your research project, please reach out to your subject librarian. They would be happy to help.
If you are not sure who to chat with, please contact Brian Jackson.