As a group, take a look at your assigned source and discuss the following questions for the next 5 minutes.
Source #2 - Why care about climate migrants in an era of loss and damage (you can evaluate this video by skimming the transcript and reading the description of the talk)
Source #4 - Planetary specters : race, migration, and climate change in the twenty-first century
Source #5 - Climate change and displacement: the myths and the facts
LibrarySearch (search box on Library's home page)
Subject Specific Databases Sometimes it can be helpful to use a databases created for a specific discipline. You can find a list of these databases on the Library's subject guides. Here are some databases that might be helpful
If you are using Google Scholar at home, you will have to adjust the settings to see which articles are available full text through MRU library.
Click on the Stacked Menu in the Top Left Corner and Choose Settings
Select Library Links. In the search box, search for Mount Royal. Be sure to hit save!
Articles that we paid for access to will be flagged in your search results
Policy Commons is a one-stop community platform for objective, fact-based research from the world’s leading policy experts, nonpartisan think tanks, IGOs and NGOs.
You can also do a targeted Google search of a particular website - for example:
strategy global health
Use the Google Tools to limit to a particular date range e.g. past year
A think tank is:
[A]n interdisciplinary body of experts such as scholars or former politicians that crafts opinions on regional, national or international policy and strategic direction, typically related to areas such as commerce, the military, immigration or social welfare. Often independent, some think tanks are known for certain political leanings and their reports and findings are interpreted accordingly. (Yusufali, 2015)
Before using research produced by a think tank, consider:
The following APA resources will help you cite in-text, create a reference list, and format your paper.