Video One: databases for secondary research
Three library databases with industry trends consumer profiles:
IBISWORLD: type in one or two words describing an industry or product for Canadian or US trends. Examples: mental health, wellness, elderly, public transit, housing, ... Click the "Download" icon to save a report. If you can't find a Canadian report, a US report will still be valuable. These reports will give you an excellent overview of Canadian trends and issues.
Passport GMID: product trends, consumer profiles, market research reports, company reports from Euromonitor. Look for the search box along the top of the page. Search examples:
consumer canada (the Consumer lifestyles in Canada report provides great insight for trends for all age groups)
health canada
wellness canada
demographic canada
grocers canada
appliances canada
Once you find a report:
1. Check the date (2022 - 2024 is preferred).
2. Convert documents to PDF to save. Do not save the web address.
3. Look for links that lead to "Related" content.
4. Items under the ANALYSIS tab have the most information.
Statista - worldwide statistics and reports. e.g., calgary, mental health canada, baby boomers canada, housing canada, ... TIPs: click "Source Link" to find more info. Use the Content Type menu on the right to find large Reports, Topics and Market Insights. "Target audience" reports include consumer lifestyles.
Video Two: Calgary demographics and psychographics
Psychographics of Canadians and Calgarians (opinions, interests, values)
Google News and Google News Calgary search examples:
calgary housing issues
services for seniors calgary
wellness trends canada
unhoused services issues