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Mapping tools, tips & handouts

SimplyAnalytics -  Produce thematic maps and tables using demographic, psychographic, business and marketing data. Login as a "Guest" or create an account before using. 2022 data is available. 

Video One: introduction to Environics' psychographics
Video Two: creating a map with SimplyAnalytics - the interface for SimplyAnalytics has changed a bit since these videos were recorded. Contact the librarian with any questions.

More tools to use with SimplyAnalytics

Census Profile - find more information about a city, census tract, postal code. TIPS: 825 is the census tract prefix for Calgary: CT0038.25 is entered as 8250038.25. For dissemination areas the prefix for Calgary is 4806: DA0321 is entered as 48060321. Map of census tracts for Calgary

Calgary Economic Development microsite - build demographic maps by industry for Calgary and region

PRIZM postal code lookup - find the prevalent lifestyle within a Canadian postal code.

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Geoff Owens
Phone: 403.440.7737
Office: EL4471S