Full-text access to hundreds of periodicals from 1983 onwards. Topics including current events, health, technology, arts, history, literature, culture, and business, with a focus on both academic and mainstream titles.
The Media Technology Monitor (MTM) is a research product designed to monitor use and adoption of new and existing technologies by Canadians. The MTM portal provides access to reports, data analysis tools, interactive trending tools and forecasting tools.
Tracking media on your organization and issues:
Get an email alert every time your chosen person/topic/ organization/issue is mentioned in the news.
Set up a feed aggregator to compile feeds from your favourite news sources and have them sent them to your device.
Boolean operators connect your search words together to either narrow or broaden your set of results.
The three basic boolean operators are: AND, OR, and NOT.
Why use Boolean operators?
Use AND in a search to:
The purple triangle in the middle of the Venn diagram below represents the result set for this search. It is a small set using AND, the combination of all three search words.
Be aware: In many, but not all, databases, the AND is implied.
Use OR in a search to:
All three circles represent the result set for this search. It is a big set because any of those words are valid using the OR operator.
Use NOT in a search to:
Boolean searching content by the MIT Libraries, CC BY-NC 4.0
Advanced Twitter Searching Tips
[search term] Filter:news [search term] Filter:retweets [search term] Near:[location] [search term] Within:[distance] To:[handle] from:[handle] [search term] Since:[date] |
[search term] Until:[date] [search term] min_faves: [number] [search term] min_retweets:[number] [search term] :-) [search term] :-( [keyword] AND Instagram.com |
Examples: #westjet filter:news from:nenshi filter:retweets #plasticfree near:Calgary to:@nenshi since:2020-12-01 until:2021-01-10 To:@westjet :-( "Rachel notley" -from:rachelnotley -@rachelnotley [keyword] AND Instagram.com |
Class Activity:
Work in groups of 2 or 3 to review this press release, conduct a scan of the media coverage, and answer the following questions.
💻 Share your answers on a Google Slide (link to the slide deck below).
Get tips, tools and strategies for news searching, scanning and evaluating media from these guides by First Draft.